A.G. FINANCIAL, INC. provides a consultative approach to lending. We want to help you find the best loan option for your needs. We handle many types of loans including: Purchase, Refinancing, New Construction, Reverse Mortgages and Jumbo loans.

Find what works for you

We are here to walk you through the entire loan process:

  • Pre-Application Consultation
  • Application
  • Loan Placement & Processing
  • Ordering Titles and Appraisals
  • Schedule Closing

Pre-Application Consultation

Buying a new home is a big decision, and financing your purchase is a long term commitment. We are here to answer any questions you might have.

During our Pre-Application Consultation, we will talk through your finances and current lending rates to determine your loan needs and preferences. This conversation gives us a better picture of your goals, and allows us to customize the loan that will work best for you.

What Next?

After your consultation, we will complete your loan application, run your credit, and find the lending options that are the best match for you.

Once you’ve selected your loan, it gets placed with the lender. At this point we begin all of processing – working with the lender’s underwriting department to clear conditions for closing. During this time, we order any required title work or appraisals that might be needed.

When all of the conditions have cleared with the underwriter, we’ll reach out to schedule your closing.


Communication is key! Buying a home can be stressful, especially when you’re waiting for important news. At A.G. FINANCIAL, INC., we keep an open channel of communication with our clients. We will keep you informed every step of the way with regards to which conditions have cleared, and what items are still required to get your loan across the finish line.

Contact Us

1398 Wilmington Pike
West Chester, PA 19382